2024 School Club Grant! Apply Now!

Grant Application Instructions
The Foundation for Central Schools is accepting grant applications for classroom projects that align with one of the following pillars: Academics, Agriculture, Arts, Athletics, and Well-being. All projects must support the District Guiding Principles.
- Applicants must be current Central Unified Teacher or Club Advisor.
- Applicants cannot have previously received a Foundation for Central Schools Classroom Project Grant or School Club Grant.
- Only one application per person will be accepted.
- School site projects are eligible, but each participating teacher must submit a separate application.
- Grant funds can only be used for project materials and supplies, which will become the property of Central USD and the classroom utilizing the grant.
Application Requirements
- A detailed budget breakdown is required. Click here to download the budget template. Do not include invoices or purchase orders.
- Applications must be submitted online by October 1st 11:59 p.m.
Grant Awards
- Classroom Project Grants: 5 grants of $1,000 each will be awarded, one per pillar category.
- School Club Grants: 5 grants of $1,000 each will be awarded, one per pillar category.
Email Sdohi@centralunified.org or call 559.691.6334 for further information.